Standing on One Foot

Balance is the art of maintaining evenly distributed weight without falling on your face, physically, mentally, or spiritually. They all require you to be upright. One example would be walking a balance beam without painfully straddling it, OUCH! Thankfully, I can stand on one foot without hitting the floor. But the moment I close my eyes I begin to wobble. It’s something that I haven’t needed to practice since I’d always been in good shape. Now, out of shape physically, mentally and as a Christian, it’s something that definitely needs regular practice. I see it as somewhat of an analogy for my walk with God. It’s not easy to walk by faith and not by sight. It’s definitely easier to take steps with my eyes open then closed. So, it takes practice. It takes trust. It takes willingness and vulnerability. For example, my daughter likes to hold my hand, close her eyes and walk backwards. She trusts me. She trusts that I’m not going to run her into anything and that I’m going to guide her away from anything that could potentially cause her harm. It’s a joyful experience for her! It’s fun in those moments and also pretty amazing to know that she trusts me the way she does. That’s how I want to trust God. I want to trust Him the same way. With that childlike faith that He’s not going to lead me into anything that will cause me harm. A few days ago, I was reminded of the importance of balance. Balance on one foot, closing my eyes and taking my step. That’s what God has called me to do. One day, one step, one balance beam walk at a time. He’s calling me to have faith and to keep my eyes on Him. Take my eyes away from my feet and lift my head up. No need to ask for the whole picture. It takes practice and He doesn’t expect perfection. Practice, practice, practice. This weekend began with me closing my eyes and standing on one foot. He has brought me through 30000 steps so far, since. Thank you, Lord!

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