Archive | February 2022

Reading Through Mark

I’ve been reading through Mark and I have so many questions. I’m waiting on answers so that’ll be another entry. Learning that God forgives a multitude of sins and He offers forgiveness to those who repent. It’s amazing to me. As an even younger Christian, I couldn’t believe that God even remembered that I was here and thankfully today, I KNOW that He sees me, that I am His and that I am who he says I am. His daughter.

In Mark, Jesus is threatened, cut, berated, mocked and hurt. In these pages, He forgave the non-believers, but didn’t necessarily reconcile the relationships (at least, not in the moment. Understand, I’m still early in my reading of the gospels so forgive me for what I don’t know just yet) Jesus was deeply disappointed and He endured it all. There is nothing that we’re experiencing that He has not already experienced. He overtuned changers, cursed a fig tree, healed the blind man’s sight but was still mocked and sought to be put to death. Then, midway through Mark, Jesus knows that he is, in fact, going to die and speaks about his death to the twelve. He knows that he is going to be given to his enemies, that he was going to be hung on a cross, beaten, mocked, berated but He will rise in three days. He mentions it three times before then end of the gospel! But he keeps teaching, offering parables, specifically the parable of the tenants. Jesus came to Earth to serve as a servant of God; the embodiment of the triad. He put himself under the foot of others. He heals, He washes clean, He guides, He brings miracles in abundance and He is still treated like rubbish and put to death! Ironically (for lack of a better term in the moment), by the end of the parable, this servant is the only way to God! What a turn around. He reconciles us to God from all our sins and we are forgiven by, not a king, but a servant. A servant who is exalted far beyond the position of a king, but the King of Kings!

Even though all of the craziness throughout Mark, it’s amazing that Jesus gracefully walked into his death on the cross. Little did all those who had berated, threatened, hurt, forsaken that He would pray for them, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do,” and it was after this that He reconciled Himself to the world dying on that cross. I don’t cease to be amazed as I read through the pages of The Bible and take in the words from its pages. Life looks a little different every day and so far I’ve gotten to experience everyday up until today with new eyes, a new heart and new senses. Thank you, Lord! Please do it again!

Lord, I pray that we, as followers, continue to strive to walk closer to you. Despite all the destruction that is thrown at us by the enemy on a daily basis, you have already given us the victory! We are your servants! I pray that we take all the things that we carry and put them down at your feet, no matter what they are. I pray that you burn away our disbelief, repent and we accept that we are your beloved and only you know our paths and show us to walk gracefully into the paths you have laid for us. There is no sin that is too much for your love! It’s never too late to come back to you!


AB (JM = just me)